
Here you will find information about the workshop.

Meeting structure

This three day workshop/meeting on speciation genomics will combine talks from invited speakers and participants, a discussion panel and a hands-on workshop to learn how to use a composite likelihood approach to infer selection, gene flow and demography from genome scan data.

Location and dates

The meeting will take place between the 17th-19th June 2019 at the Marine Biology Laboratory, Tjärnö, Sweden.

Travelling to and from the workshop

To reach Tjärnö, it is easiest to fly either to Oslo or Gothenburg airports. Trains and buses to Strömstad, the nearest town to Tjärnö, run from Gothenburg centre and Oslo Station. A local bus is available for departures to Tjärnö itself but we will also organise pickup from Strömstad when necessary.

If you fly via Oslo:

You will need to take a train from Oslo Sentral Station to Halden (250 NOK, approx 1 hour 50 mins). You can book tickets and look up times via Vy. From Halden (which is in Norway), you will need to take the 111 Vastraffik bus (1 hr, 80 SEK) to Strömstad station.

If you fly via Gothenburg:

You can take a train from Gothenburg Station to Strömstad (2hr 40 mins, 194 SEK). There is also a bus route - first take the 841 to Torp Terminalen and there you will need to change (platforms are right next to each other) to the 871 to Strömstad (2 hrs 20 mins, 194 SEK). You can check these routes on Vastraffik.


To attend the meeting, you will need to bring your own laptop and have a basic level of experience in unix and python. We recommend a software carpentry course and online resources such as Codeacademy.

Presenting and participating

All participants will have an opportunity to present their research as a flash presentation. There will be a strict limit on 2 slides per presentation and 2 minutes per person. The idea is that everyone gets a chance to present and that they will have a chance to discuss their research with all attendees throughout the workshop.